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Ile kosztuje Feed Image Editor?

Koszt za Feed Image Editor równa się miesięcznemu abonamentowi, uzależnionemu od ilości produktów w feedzie. Dla nowych klientów pierwsze 30 dni są darmowe.

Feed Image Editor subscription is charged monthly and doesn’t change with the number of items in your feed. For new clients, the first 30 days are free.

Important Announcement. We are changing price for Feed Image Editor

Switch to annual billing and get a 20% discount


from September 1, 2024, we are adjusting the price for the Feed Image Editor application. The monthly fee without VAT will be 79 €. However, we have a special offer for you. If you are already our client with a monthly billing period and switch to annual billing by July 31, 2024, you will have the application for the whole year at 38,4 € per month without VAT. This offer also applies to new clients who will subscribe to the application for a year by July 31, 2024.

⇨ detailed scenarios for the transition to the new pricing can be found at this link

Additionally, annual billing will bring you a 20% discount on Mergado and all other applications from the Mergado Store. You have time until July 31, 2024 (inclusive).

Prices are per project.


172 PLN / projekt / miesiąc*


215 PLN/miesiąc*
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* bez VAT miesięcznie
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